Mercredi 12 octobre 2022
Site : INRAE, Agrotechnopole, Montoldre
- 09:30 - 9:45 : accueil -
- 9:45 - 10:55 : Session 1 -
Plate-formes ouvertes pour la recherche en milieux dynamiques
Open infrastructure for research in highly dynamic environments.
Keynote : Ouiddad LABBANI (XLIM)
- 1 Stéphane BONNET (UTC Compiègne) - Véhicules routiers TIRREX VIRTUOZ
- 2 Roland CHAPUIS (Institut Pascal) - Roof pour les véhicules routiers TIRREX
- 3 Roland LENAIN (INRAE) - Roboterrium
- 11:05 - 12:15 : Session 2 -
Evaluation des performances pour la sécurité en environnements complexes
Performance assessment for complex environments safety
Keynote : Dieumet DEUNIS (Sherpa Engineering)
- 1 Eric LUCET (CEA-List), Navigation en milieu nucléaire
- 2 Bruno MANDONNET (AgroTechnoPôle), ATP : Plateformes d'innovation ouverte
- 12:00 - 13:00 : Repas
- 13:00 - 14:00 : Démos et échanges autour des plateformes
- 1 Robots Adap2E, INRAE - Roboterrium
- 2 Véhicule autonome Zoé, Institut Pascal
- 3 Tracteurs électriques robotisés SabiAgri, INRAE - Roboterrium
- 1 Robots Adap2E, INRAE - Roboterrium
- 14:00 - 15:10 : Session 3 -
Partage de base de données pour la reconnaissance & l'apprentissage
Open dataset for recognition and learningKeynote : Simon LACROIX (LAAS)
- 1 François MARMOITON (INSTITUT PASCAL) - Acquisitions pour la création de bases de données
- 2 Christophe GRAND (ONERA) - Génération de code et retour d'expérience Cohoma
- 3 TBC
- 15:20 - 16:30 : Session 4 -
Outils de simulation et jumeaux numériques pour le développement, la supervision et le pilotage de robots
Simulation and digital twin for the development, supervision and control of robots
Keynote : Christian Duriez (INRIA)
- 1 Christophe DEBAIN (INRAE), Jumeau numérique de la PF AgroTechnoPôle
- 2 Jérémy MORCEAUX(SHERPA/IP), Retour d'expérience sur le simulateur CARLA
- 1 Christophe DEBAIN (INRAE), Jumeau numérique de la PF AgroTechnoPôle
Jeudi 13 octobre
Site : INRAE, Agrotechnopole, Montoldre
- 8:20 Common transport from Vichy to Montoldre site
- 9:00 Session 1: Introductory presentations:
- Welcome address (Dr Gregorio AMEYUGO (CEA_LIST)
- An overview of agROBOFood network
- Showcasing of selected FSTP projects (3 in FR-IT Regional Cluster )
- Showcasing of selected FSTP projects in agROBOfood (3 projects in FR-IT Regional Cluster):
- HyflexyBot:
- TOMMIE: Automating Crop Load Management in Apple Orchards
- 10:30 Coffee Break (15’)
- 10:45 Session 2: General Keynote Presentations (Artificial Intelligence; Robotics regulatory, and standardization needs and requirements)
- Overview of Artificial Intelligence : Achievments, Promises and Challenges for its industrial deployment (Dr Patrick SAYD, CEA-LIST)
- Overview of EU regulations and plans related to machines working at various degrees of autonomy and interactions with people :
- Perspectives from EU Regulatory Authorities (Peter BROERTJES,
European Commission,Directorate General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs Ecosystems III: Construction & Machinery(DG GROW H.2) – Machinery & Equipment) (20')
- Perspectives from user communities and practitioners (Caroline ACANFORA, AgreenCulture)
- Perspectives from EU Regulatory Authorities (Peter BROERTJES,
- Overview of Artificial Intelligence : Achievments, Promises and Challenges for its industrial deployment (Dr Patrick SAYD, CEA-LIST)
- 12:00 Session 3: Safety and Performance Assessment for collaborative and field robotics:
- Presentation of COVR (Dr Marcello Valori, CNR, Italy)
- Presentation of ARPA and live demonstrations (Christophe Debain, INRAE, France)
- Presentation of COVR (Dr Marcello Valori, CNR, Italy)
- 13:00 Lunch
- 14:00 Session 4: Keynote Presentations: Highlights from applied AI and Robotics in agri-food
- AI-enabled detection and classification: report on three case studies : (Prof. Daniele
Nardi, Sapienza University of Rome)
- weed mapping in sugar beets
- sunflower peronospora mapping
- table grape quality estimation
- Specialized grippers: grasping, soft-object handling (Yann PERROT, CEA)
- Navigation and localization (Dr Roland LENAIN, INRAE / Dr Eric LUCET, CEA)
- Live demonstrations (INRAE) Sabi Agri farm tractor with obstacle detection.
- AI-enabled detection and classification: report on three case studies : (Prof. Daniele
- 15:40 Closing remarks and discussion
- 16:00 Return to Vichy (Train Station)